Author Archives: Paisley

How to Save Money on Scrapbook Supplies

Scrapbooking is so much fun, that it’s very easy to rack up quite a bill when shopping. I know when my daughter and I visited the craft store last week, she was just mesmerized in the scrapbook aisle. She truly wanted one of everything. Today, there is so much you can add to a page, stickers, embellishments, ribbons and stamps. So, how can you get all of the goodies without breaking the bank? I have two suggestions. The first is scrapbook kits. We belong to a monthly […]

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Adding Other Items to Your Scrapbook

Scrapbooks are not meant just for photos. I tend to often date myself. When I was in elementary school, I had a scrapbook. Of course back then I used paper that is now yellow and I used glue. However, what’s important is I remember the contents of that scrapbook. I kept movie ticket stubs, concert ticket stubs, love letters from boys I like, a test with an A+ on it and many other items. Today, we can still preserve those memories by adding these extras to our […]

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Creating A Children’s Birthday Scrapbook

I remember when my kids were young, I loved their birthday parties and wanted to capture every moment. Often though, it wasn’t until after the party was over that I realized I only took a few photos and that I didn’t save any of the extra invitations. Knowing in advance that you’ll want to make a scrapbook of your child’s party, you can save items such as the guest list, the invitations and any greeting cards the child gets in the mail. All of these can be […]

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How to Make A Paper Bag Scrapbook

Paper bag scrapbooks are really popular now. Their small size makes them great for gift giving, for display on a coffee table, or even just as a “brag book”. They are made by using paper bags (you know the brown lunch kind) and are of a smaller size than the larger scrapbook albums, usually 5 x 5 inches. Since the paper bags are not acid free, it is important to only use copies of your photos. You can get duplicates made of your photos from your photo […]

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Creating A Surprise Party Scrapbook

It is so much fun to plan a surprise party. I planned a party for my mom for her 70th birthday. After it was over, I realized how much she did not know about the planning I had done. I was able to recreate quite a bit for her scrapbook. My dad and I actually began making plans a year in advance. I began her scrapbook with a calendar page from the year before. I then included photos and information from all of the banquet rooms we […]

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Creating A Family Recipe Scrapbook

I can not tell you how many times I’ve called my mom and said “mom I just have to have your recipe for such and such“. It’s been a slow accumulation of recipes, but she chuckles each time I realize I need yet another recipe from her. Now that I have an adult daughter of my own I really wanted to pass the recipes on to her also. Many of these recipes she’s been eating since she was old enough for solids. My daughter also has a […]

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Making A Bridal Shower Scrapbook

Your best friend from college is getting married. You’re the maid of honor. You’re thinking there is no way you’re going to get her a toaster or blender. Why not make her a bridal shower scrapbook? Once the invitations are chosen, save one, completely filled out to put at the beginning of the scrapbook. When you send out the invitations, ask each guest to mail you one photo of the bride with the guest, along with a few sentences about how they know the bride, or a […]

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Scrapbook Catalogs

When you input scrapbooking in a search engine, there are literally thousands of search results that will pop up, primarily because authentic has became a indubitable popular hobby. A beginner looking for materials may have a insolvable time searching through the websites for implied tips on how to start creating a scrapbook. Fortunately, help is on the way. There are several items that you need to purchase sway harmony to start with your scrapbooking project. They are listed unbefitting: 1. Album The album pages should be acid […]

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So You Think You Want to Scrapbook

Learning to scrapbook will take some commitment and it is really like a piece of art. When you learn the techniques to scrapbook you will be able to enjoy, however, you will have to get to know a few basic tools, supplies, and learn some skills before you get started. You will want to create albums, but it will take. Projects are difficult, but it can be very rewarding when you end up with something like a family heirloom. It can be enjoyable to do and then […]

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What You Need to Know to Make a Scrapbook

The first thing you need to know about making a scrapbook is that it isn’t a complicated process at all. Scrapbooking isn’t just for the ‘crafty’ person among us either. In fact, you don’t need to have any ‘crafting’ skills at all, in order to create a scrapbook of memories that will last for generations to come. Scrapbooking is a way to take those photographs, and things that hold special meaning, out from the standard, and (yawn) boring photo albums, and the boxes where they are being […]

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